Member Overview
Business of One members become part of a professional organization with a variety of benefits including a complimentary business management app, a discount prescription card, invites to online educations and forums, a complex list of resources, and up to date information on the industry.
Perhaps most importantly, all of Business of One members have the individual opportunity to support and have input to the professions that they work in.
The pursuit of industry excellence and professional presence may best characterize what we do, but it also reminds us that this is your organization. It begins—and ends—with you. All Business of One members enjoy the following benefits • Complimentary Use of Gina’s Platform App (business management & scheduling tool for your business) o Complimentary Discount Prescription Card • Dedicated Organization to Represent Your Needs • Discounts on Products through our Partners • Updates on Industry Information
Perhaps most importantly, all of Business of One members have the individual opportunity to support and have input to the professions that they work in.
The pursuit of industry excellence and professional presence may best characterize what we do, but it also reminds us that this is your organization. It begins—and ends—with you. All Business of One members enjoy the following benefits • Complimentary Use of Gina’s Platform App (business management & scheduling tool for your business) o Complimentary Discount Prescription Card • Dedicated Organization to Represent Your Needs • Discounts on Products through our Partners • Updates on Industry Information
Member Benefits
All Business of One members enjoy the following benefits:
- Complimentary Use of Gina’s Platform App (business management & scheduling tool for your business)
- Complimentary Discount Prescription Card
- Dedicated Organization to Represent Your Needs
Discounts on Products through our Partners - Updates on Industry Information